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New beginnings flourishing in spring

Aidan Duke
The spring season has finally arrived bringing a time of new
According to National Geographic, springtime is defined by
the angle of Earth’s tilt towards the sun.

The equinoxes and solstices define the season and are re-
sponsible for its impact on environments. Consequently, the

days of the week become longer and the temperature becomes
warmer in the spring.
One person who has always enjoyed the spring season is
sophomore Camden Hekia.
“I really enjoy the spring because it is a great time for
early fishing because of the temperature being just right,” said
Hekia. “I do believe it is time for new beginnings because you
can change yourself before the summer starts.”
The reason why the spring is such a great time for the Earth
is because of its daily rain and sunlight, which in turn helps
to nurture plants. However, with the growth of plants comes

When plants reproduce they create a fine powder called pol-
len. Pollen is considered one of the most severe causes of al-
lergies. Some symptoms of pollen allergy are a stuffy nose,

sore throat, sneezing and watery eyes.

One person who has struggled with these worsened aller-
gies, especially during the spring, is junior Estrella Molina.

“I would say that spring is better than the other seasons be-
cause everything is in bloom after a rigid period of time. How-
ever, my allergies are very active in spring and are really bad,”

said Molina. “Spring brings a new light to certain situations
that may have been overlooked in the dark winter. I believe it’s
a time to think and be thankful from being in such tenebrosity.”
Though many people believe that spring is one of the best
seasons, others do not feel the same way.
One person who prefers other seasons over spring is senior
Maggie Wheeler.
“In my opinion, spring is the worst season because it is an

awkward time between the cold and blazing hot,” said Wheel-
er. “My favorite season is the fall because the temperature is

cooling down outside. I think that the time for new beginnings
is when the spring ends.”
Like anything, spring brings about a wide array of positive
and negative aspects.
As the earth keeps spinning, people and nature will continue
to coexist throughout the seasons.
