Outlaw exPRESSions

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New year, new policy

Carter Duke
As the freezing weather

makes its way back into Okla-
homa, Marlow High School

is prepared with a new in-
clement weather policy es-
tablished for the district. This

policy states that school will
start later in the day if the
weather is bad, rather than
missing the whole day.
Marlow Public Schools

Superintendent Corey Hol-
land, one of the main creators

of the new policy, sees many
positives that the policy will
“The intended benefit is
to protect school days from
full cancellation. Those days
where the road conditions

may be bad early in the morn-
ing but have a high prob-
ability to be good later in the

morning, we can still have
school and not miss a whole
day,” said Holland.
Though making sure
school days are not lost due

to weather is important, Hol-
land’s top priority is keeping

students and families safe
during inclement weather.
“School safety is always a
top priority in all things, the
more options I am afforded to
ensure students and staff are
safe the better,” said Holland.

According to MHS stu-
dents, different does not

mean bad when asked about
the new policy. Freshman
Chase Cvikich believes that
the new policy should prove
to be beneficial.
“I prefer the policy because

if there is ice on the road no-
body is going to risk getting

in a wreck,” said Cvikich.
Similarly, junior Katelyn

Cullum sees many benefits for
her in the policy, both for the
road and her mental health.
“The benefit of the new
policy for me means that I get
to sleep in. As a Junior in high
school with a job, I will take
all of the sleep I can get,” said
Cullum also thinks that the
policy removes most risks.
“I think that overall it is
safer for high school drivers

and bus drivers alike, con-
sidering that the buses are

big and high schoolers are
young,” said Cullum.
Marlow Public Schools
prioritizes everyone’s safety
and makes bad weather days
The guidelines for the new
policy can be found on the

Marlow Public Schools web-
