Outlaw exPRESSions

The official website of the MHS exPRESS

The true meaning of Christmas

Aidan Duke
“I will honor Christmas
in my heart, and try to keep
it all the year,” said Charles
According to statista,

over 90 percent of Ameri-
cans have implemented

this very idea and kept the
many traditions that come
with it.
The word “Christmas”
derives from the word
Cristes maesse which is an
old English word meaning
Christ’s Mass and a day
where belivers celebrate
the birth of their messiah
Jesus Christ according to
the New York Times.
While the holiday is

based on religion, there

have been many life les-
sons and guides on how to

act that have become a part
of Christmas.
For example, the spirit

of giving rather than tak-
ing has become an impor-
tant goal during Christmas


Among the people striv-
ing to give is Marlow High

Schools Student Council
Stuco has hosted a

canned food drive annu-
ally for more than 15 years

now, being led by their ad-
visor Ann Field.

After collecting the cans,

StuCo delivers the dona-
tions to the Marlow Samar-

“Hosting the canned
food drive has helped to
show Christmas spirit by
ensuring that everyone has
what they need for a happy
holiday,” said Field.

A person that has par-
ticipated in the bringing of

cans for the less fortunate
is junior Erick Busch.
“I bring cans every year
for the fundraiser because I
get the opportunity to assist
people and show love to
them,” said Busch.

According to the Salva-
tion Army, Christmas will

always be important be-
cause of the environment it

provides for people, help-
ing to encourage selfless

acts and kindness.
