Outlaw exPRESSions

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Talents unleashed at Demo Day

Tessa Spivey
Bringing their best acts
from last year back for one

more show, the Marlow Out-
law Speech Team (MOST)

performed at the annual Dem-
onstration Day on Thursday,

Sept. 14.
Demo Day was hosted by
the Rush Springs Redskins
and there were 16 schools in

Drama Coach Paula Mc-
Connell has always enjoyed

producing Demo Day.
“Demo Day has been
around for over 40 years. It

began with a Cameron Uni-
versity professor, Tony Alli-
son,” declared McConnell.

Throughout the years Mc-
Connell worked with many

different coaches to host and

put on Demo Day, but when
given the choice, McConnell
wanted to work with her own
students to host the event and
never looked back.
After COVID-19, MOST
did the majority of the events,

but now more schools are par-
ticipating again.

The students with the high-
est placings from the 2023

State Speech and Debate con-
test are eligible to perform at

the Demo event.
Demo Day is used to show
new drama students all the
events and get them excited
and wanting to go to a contest.
This is done by showing
students the nine different
events including Standard
Oratory, Original Oratory,
Prose, Poetry, Monologue,
Dramatic Interp, Humorous
Interp, Dramatic Duet and

Humorous Duet.

Senior Chensie Stuart per-
formed in two events: Dra-
matic Duet and Original Ora-

“This is my fourth year in

drama, and I love perform-
ing my pieces,” said Stuart.“I

get the opportunity to show
Drama One students what
we do, what they can do and
what they can accomplish if
they decide to do this,” stated

Drama One freshman Gra-
cie Lara is excited for con-
tests after Demo Day.

“Demo Day made me feel
like it’s not scary, it’s fun,”
expressed Lara.
Demo Day was a great
start for the season as MOST
is preparing to perform their
annual play and to continue to

prepare for their contest sea-
son that is fast approaching.
