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Parent involvement: An essential key to success

Kaylee Davis
With the school year well
on its way, classes are picking

up and student grades are be-
ing recorded in the gradebook

weekly by teachers.
To give students and their
parents the opportunity to

be involved with the learn-
ing process, Marlow Public

Schools held their fall parent-
teacher conferences on the

evenings of Monday, Sept. 18
and Tuesday, Sept. 19.

While parent-teacher con-
ferences are scheduled for

elementary students, confer-
ences for middle school and

high school students are open
to welcome all parents any
time during conference hours
and are based on first come
first serve.
As students get older, the
number of in-person parent

visits decreases, which brings
up questions on whether or

not parent involvement is im-
portant to student success.

Junior Mya Boyster be-
lieves that her mom is very

involved and that it is benefi-
cial to her school life.

“My mom pushes me and
strives for me to be the best
student and young woman I
could ever become,” Boyster
expressed. “I like it when she
is involved because it is a way
of making up for lost time.”
Junior Trace Ribble also
believes that his parents have
greatly impacted his attitude
towards school.
“I think my parents have
made a positive impact on my
grades because they taught
me to push myself,” Ribble

However, although it is no-
table how parent involvement

can help with students’ aca-
demic success, this is many

times in conjunction with stu-
dents’ personal mindset and

the friends that they surround
themselves with.
“What motivates me to do
better is probably the people
around me,” senior Oliver

McInvale said. “I try to moti-
vate myself because I know I

can do better.”

Though students will de-
velop their own varying

mindsets toward school, par-
ents typically impact it in

some way.
School involvement is just
one example of how parents
can have an important role in
their child’s lives.
Marlow will continue to

encourage parents to stay in-
volved with their students’

lives, even as they progress
further into their education.
