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Book banning and how it affects students today

The banning and censorship of books, an issue that has been going on for hundreds of years, is continuing to spread.

Book bannings have occurred since as early as Puritan times, the first book being banned due to its disregard of Puritan customs.

Though society has changed in many ways, books are still being banned for similar reasons, some of the most common reasons being that they contain either explicit content or controversial topics. 

Head librarian for both Marlow’s Middle and High school campuses Cathy Hazel has been a certified librarian for 23 years, earning her masters degree in Library Science.

Since she began working with literature, she has faced challenges against various books, ranging from children’s books to the Holy Bible.

“I do not think banning books is a good thing,” Hazel said. “No two people have the same life experiences, and if a particular story could appeal to someone or help them get through a difficult time in their life, then it would be sad if they were not able to read that story because it was banned.”

Because of the First Amendment, the banning of books cannot completely remove them, but schools can make the choice to remove books for not fitting the curriculum or having explicit content.

Schools are not allowed to remove books due to differences in opinions, but both public and school libraries can sometimes influence readers in other ways.

Book bannings have affected adults and students alike, junior Hannah McInvale being one of the students that has experienced this.

“I do notice specific ways books are hidden. More controversial books are harder to find. They are not normally displayed or talked about, while more popular and non-controversial books are put on display and on top of shelves,” McInvale expressed. “I think these kinds of books are banned to try and prevent people from learning about such topics.”

Controversy about literature will likely continue as people decide what books children should be exposed to.
