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Rally of Champions showcases MHS talent

Aidan Duke


This year Marlow students worked tirelessly in many sports and organizations across campus to become champions, earning the students special recognition at the Rally of Champions.

Marlow’s athletics had a successful year after  winning State Champions in cross country, football and wrestling and becoming Academic State Champions in girls golf, while gaining various other titles and medals in other sports 

One student, senior Jace Gilbert, played hard this year to become a State Champion in football and an All-Stater in the sport.

“Work ethic definitely plays a huge part in everything that has been accomplished this year,” stated Gilbert.

Not only were the athletics recognized for their exceptional year but many other activities were too. 

One of those successful activities was speech by going to State and having many students compete and place at the challenging competition.

One student, senior Alexus King placed fourth in dramatic interpretation and fourth in dramatic duet with Mathew Derichsweiler.

“Talent can have a part in winning but cannot be the only thing that is relied on to win,” stated King.

Many students worked hard this year and dedicated time to lots of activities.

This hard work of the students has helped win many things throughout the school year.
