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StuCo attends state convention at Del City

Marlow High School’s Student Council (StuCo) headed off to their annual state convention on Nov. 6-8 at Del City High.

The convention consisted of four general sessions that included opportunities to learn leadership skills.

During the first session, students were presented with a motivational speech from a guest speaker named Kevin Atlas, a well-known basketball player at Manhattan College.

Atlas has one arm and uses it to his advantage to inspire students to believe that he or she can do anything—no matter the challenge.

The second session hosted Kate Gladdin, who spoke to the various student councils and provided a hope for students facing challenges in life.

Gladdin faced many challenges in her lifetime, and used them to uplift others by starting the Nicole Fitzsimons Foundation in honor of her passed sister who died in a motorcycle incident in 2012.

Once the third session started, the Oklahoma presidential and vice presidential candidates voiced his or her speech.

After the speeches, two delegates from each school’s StuCo voted for his or her council’s preferred candidates.

For the final fourth session, another motivational speech was given to the stuco members by Shaun Derik, a speaker and performance artist for over ten years.

He encouraged the students to reach for his or her goals, passion and interests.

All came to an end by the announcement of election results with the Norman North High School winning the Oklahoma Association of Student Council (OASC) president, the Durant High School winning vice president and Cache High School elected as secretary.

Cache will hold next year’s student council state convention.

Marlow did not participate in the campaign this year, but the council is excited to experience next year’s convention and take the lessons learned into life at MHS.
