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Stagecraft sets the scene

Tyler Hertzler


From training actors and rehearsing scenes, there are multiple procedures that have to be done in preparation for the Marlow High School Drama Department’s annual play.

One of the most important aspects of the production of a play are the people who create the scenes in which these stories take place.

The behind the scenes work is where the Marlow Stagecraft department led by teacher Paula McConnell step in to make the play come alive.

Stagecraft is a one year course dedicated to supporting theatrical productions and learning ancient and ethnic art, along with studying classic artists such as DaVinci, Michelangelo, and Van Gogh.

Having led the stagecraft team and drama department for many years, McConnell describes how she leads the team.

“The best way to lead students in construction is me doing it with them and working right alongside them, showing them how,” McConnell explained. “When I am not working, I am supervising several construction activities simultaneously.” 

Offered at Marlow High School since 1996, Stagecraft is responsible for painting all of the backdrops, getting props and working backstage for each play and tournament flats as well.

Going into her second year of stagecraft, senior Aubrey Topping described some of the work that Stagecraft is responsible for.

“We make all the sets that you see,” Topping explained. “We set up all the microphones and make sure everything is working, and we also set all the lights and make sure they are where they are supposed to be, so it’s everything that you see.” 

Stagecraft is a very big part of the drama department requiring a lot of teamwork; therefore, many people are involved in the organization.

In order to join the class, incoming sophomore through senior students must go through an application process in April prior to the following school year. 

Although students do not have to be in the drama program to apply, it does help McConnell see students’ leadership and work ethic, and students have to go through an interview process if they did not take Drama I.

Stagecraft is currently working with the Drama organization to create a set for the next production named “Who Murdered Who?”

“Who Murdered Who?” is a comedy set in the present about a man who is sent a mysterious letter from an unknown person in which he must find out who sent the letter before it is too late.

The play will be performed on Friday, October 9 for $1 for the high school students and Saturday, October 10 with evening tickets being $3 for the public.