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Student council opens doors for for Marlow High School senior

DSC_0002The first student of the week is reserved for the Marlow High School Student Council President. This year is no different as Senior Brooke Morriston represented MHS at the local Lion’s Club meeting.

Morriston has been an active member of student council since the sixth grade.

“I wanted to be in student council because I was attracted to being more of a leader and showing people the right way to go,” Morriston says.

Being a member of student council has made a significant impact on her life and values.

“It definitely has improved my time management. Student council has taught me my strongest core values are respect and honesty.”

The student council adviser, Ann Field, says she believes Morriston will boost school morale and increase unity in the council as president this school year.

“She has earned respect by the members because of her kind heart and her ability to make herself approachable to people of all ages,” says Field.

One of her peers, senior Blair Brantley, says that Morriston has been a good friend and inspiration to her since Brantley moved to Marlow in the third grade.

“Every year she does something to improve herself,” says Brantley, “she knows when to step up and take charge.”

Alongside Morriston, junior Lily Smith serves as the student council secretary.

Smith says she hopes Morriston can show that it is acceptable to be different and has taught her to lead in her own way.

“She’s taught me that we shouldn’t try and conform ourselves to this mold of a leader, but instead be the best us we can be” Smith says.

As for her life after graduation, Morriston plans to take her skills from student council along with her newly learned skill of American Sign Language and pursue a major in audiology and a minor in special needs therapy on a track scholarship.

Morriston says she is excited to start a new chapter of her life hopefully working with toddlers and infants and helping them hear for their first time.

                                Sierra Carney and Samara Rogers