Outlaw exPRESSions

The official website of the MHS exPRESS

Estes recalls week at Capital

Recently, I had the privilege to serve as a page at the State Capitol.

My sponsor was Representative Scott Biggs, Republican.

We pages dragged ourselves out of bed at 6 a.m. each day. Breakfast was at the Sheraton Hotel, from which we left at 7:30 a.m. to head to the large, white building where we would spend the next nine hours.


We were split into two groups, the red team and the blue team. I was put with the red team. The groups would alternate every hour between the Chamber and the page area.

I enjoyed sitting in the Chamber the most because, when we weren’t busy, we would be able to watch the process of voting on the various bills that would come up.

One very controversial bill came to the floor when I was in the Chamber. It concerned public and charter schools. The debates became very heated, and it was extremely interesting to watch.

Debates also became heated Tuesday night at the Pageville mock session, which is an imitation of a session put on by the pages. The pages vote on two bills out of a list to use during the session. The two bills that were selected were over teachers having guns on campus and drug tests for those seeking unemployment benefits.

Positions, such as Governor or House Speaker, are elected by the pages. The authors present their bills, and then the floor is opened to questions. We also could fight to amend the bills after the questioning. I wanted to make an amendment to the teachers with guns bill, but after I was questioned about my amendment, it was tabled and no longer considered. After the question period was over, we debated the bills, and then the floor was opened for people to support or oppose the bill.

The bill concerning the administrators and guns was vetoed, but the bill pertaining to drug tests was passed.

I loved the Pageville mock session and enjoyed the activities we did. We were spoiled concerning dinner to have had Zio’s and Ted’s were two restaurants we ate at.

This experience has helped me be more prepared for work and has taught me so much about the government workings.

I am very grateful for this opportunity and thoroughly appreciate the experience.

Madalyn Estes

