Outlaw exPRESSions

The official website of the MHS exPRESS

Energy high at B.L.A.S.T.

Eighth graders got a taste of what is in store for them next year at the annual B.L.A.S.T. assembly.
Eighth graders got a taste of what is in store for them next year at the annual B.L.A.S.T. assembly.

CLASS OF 2019. Ninety-nine eighth graders descended upon the high school campus on Tuesday, March 3, for the annual B.L.A.S.T. assembly sponsored by the student council.

The B.L.A.S.T. assembly, which stands for Building Leaders and Stronger Tomorrows, has been a tradition at Marlow High School for eight years.

Stagecraft students participated in the assembly with their traditional blacklight show.
Stagecraft students participated in the assembly with their traditional blacklight show.
Foreign Language Club performed a skit to encourage students to get involved.
Foreign Language Club performed a skit to encourage students to get involved.
Student Council sponsors the annual program.
Student Council sponsors the annual program.
Entertainers dressed us as their 'Annie' characters.
Entertainers dressed us as their ‘Annie’ characters.
Computer applications students joined in the fun by 'shaking it off' during the assembly.
Computer applications students joined in the fun by ‘shaking it off’ during the assembly.
The Marlow Outlaw Bootlegger dance team performed a line dance.
The Marlow Outlaw Bootlegger dance team performed a line dance.
Art I students collaborated to form the word 'Outlaws' with their individual paintings.
Art I students collaborated to form the word ‘Outlaws’ with their individual paintings.

Click some pics for links!

Picture essay by Destiny Nowlin