Outlaw exPRESSions

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Apathy evident among voting age seniors

By Tori Hack
MHS exPRESS writer

designfordemocracy1Voting is an important duty of citizens in the United States; however, a recent survey of Marlow High School students over the age of 18 revealed that only 36% of them are registered to vote.

In order to register, anyone over the age of 18 can pick up a voter registration form from the tag agency or election board or download one online. Registration must take place 24 days prior to an election in order to be able to vote.

If registering is as simple as filling out a small card and delivering it to the election board, why are so many students putting it off?

Senior Gerald McCullers said that he registered the day he turned 18.

“I have very strong opinions, and if you don’t vote, you can’t complain. My mom has always said it was my civic duty,” McCullers said.

McCullers is registered as a Democrat, but he is in the minority at Marlow High School.

Of those surveyed, 71% said they were registered Republican for various reasons.

Senior Franklin Grover said that he registered as a Republican because he disagreed with the healthcare laws.

“I want to be a doctor one day, and I don’t agree with Obamacare. I want someone in office who’s going to get rid of it.”

–Franklin Grover

Other students said they registered as a Democrat because they were told they would be able to vote in more elections. Only 29% of Marlow students 18 or older are registered Democrats.

Senior Colton Black said that he registered as a Democrat because he feels it is a party that represents progress.

“I don’t necessarily agree with everything the Democratic Party does; however, I tend to agree more with them than the Republican Party.”

–Colton Black

The Stephens County Election Board statistics revealed that there has been an increase in changing of party affiliation. The specific party changes could not be disclosed, but many may be switching in order to vote for a particular candidate in upcoming primary elections.

Party changes cannot occur, according to the Oklahoma State Election Board’s official website, between April 1 and August 31 of any even numbered year.

To change party affiliation, a voter registration form must be filled out and mailed or delivered to the election form. The same form can also be used to change the address, name and other information on the voter registration card.

It is possible to register in advance of turning 18 for those who will turn 18 by or on the election day. Although the voter is only 17, he or she is considered an active registrant, and when they turn 18, they become an eligible voter.

