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Herchock guides students toward success

High school guidance counselor and cheer coach at Marlow Amy Herchock has held her position for six years, starting her education career itself in 1997. 

After receiving her Bachelor’s Degree, Herchock worked as a science teacher and coach at different schools across the state.

She later graduated with an Education in School Counseling Master’s degree in 2014 and soon moved on to work at Marlow.

“I became a guidance counselor, honestly, because I never really felt like I had one when I was in high school,” Herchock said. “I love helping kids find solutions to their problems. And it can be anything from figuring out how to help them finance a college education or helping them overcome a crisis.”

Since she began working at Marlow, Herchock has worked to get students the credits they need to graduate as well as help them plan for their futures, encouraging them to pursue a career that is right for them.

With all of the work she puts in, Herchock has influenced students at Marlow High School.

Sophomore Brianna Dalrymple has talked to Herchock on multiple occasions through her time in high school.

“Mrs. Hershock has helped me by helping me find the correct day to take the ACT so I can get into the biomedical academy at Red River Tech Center.” Dalrymple expressed. “She always helps us find ways to get to our career pathway.”

Not only does Herchock help seniors, she meets with students from every grade.

One of the ways she meets with underclassmen is through the MHS cheer team, working with the cheer members daily.

As the cheer team’s coach, Herchock is in charge of bringing the girls together as a team and organizing their events.

Junior Chesnie Stuart spent time with Herchock through cheer, looking to her for help in both the sport and school. 

“The biggest way she has helped me is with encouragement in cheer,” Stuart said. “I feel like I was not very good when I started and as guidance counselor she can listen to me and help me make decisions. She is also someone good to talk to.”

Of course, being a guidance counselor does not come without challenge, Herchock facing obstacles about doing her job.

“On the other side of that is the mental well being of our students that must be attended to because it truly plays a high level role in student success,” Herchock stated. “I have learned that I have to tend to my own mental health to be able to help someone learn to tend to theirs..”

Herchock always has, and will be, a mentor to students that pass through Marlow.

She will continue guiding students toward their futures as she implements new projects and her experience grows, her next goal being to assist all seniors before they graduate.
