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Nunn swims for first place

Sean Nunn is a senior at Marlow High School and began swimming with the Specially Made Penguins in 2019. 

One person who has supported Nunn since his starting journey with the Penguins was his coach, Belinda McCoy. 

“Sean has a very strong desire to be the best,” McCoy stated. “Sean helped me understand that there are plenty of effective ways to communicate without using words.”

Adding on to McCoys’ statement, fellow swim coach Jackie Taylor exclaims how Nunn has affected her. 

“Sean has taught me that hard work, determination and lots of fun is what makes success,” Taylor expressed. 

 Sean has shown me that nothing will hold him back from achieving greatness.

– Jackie Taylor

After placing 1st in both of his races at the State Special Olympics, one of those races being a 25 freestyle and the other being a 25 backstroke, Nunn showed how much he has accomplished. 

After four years of knowing Nunn, fellow coach Larry Beavers has seen him in many situations. 

“Sean has started to become more social and involved,” Beavers said. “The way he interacts with others has drastically changed.”

Sean is a patient and competitive swimmer and, as many people have said, he will not stop until he succeeds.