Dedmon shows kindness through FLC
Tessa Spivey
Senior Damion Dedmon
has been a part of Marlow’s
Foreign Language Club
(FLC) for two years, and has
been vice president for the
American Sign Language
(ASL) portion of the club
since the beginning of the
school year.
“I joined FLC because I
have loved learning Spanish
and ASL, and I enjoy get-
ting to further that learning
experience with Mrs. Conner
through the FLC,” said Ded-
Dedmon has had many
great experiences through
“My favorite part of FLC
is most definitely the Blast
Assembly because it is fun
seeing everyone participate
in putting a funny, yet knowl-
edgeable, skit together for the
middle schoolers,” said Ded-
While in FLC, Dedmon
has had many accomplish-
“My greatest achievement
through FLC and my foreign
language classes in general
has been that I have been able
to carry out conversations
with Spanish speaking people
and deaf people,” said Ded-
Dedmon has strengthened
many long term friendships
while in FLC, including ju-
nior Joe McKinley, who has
been friends with Dedmon
since sixth grade.
“He has affected me by
bringing out my best quali-
ties, while his best quality is
his humor and his kindness,”
said McKinley.
Alongside impacting his
classmates, Dedmon has im-
pacted FLC director and for-
eign language teacher Gloria
“Damion has impacted me
by how intelligent he is. His
love for learning, his trust, his
kindness, and his personal-
ity,” said Conner. “Not only
has he impacted me, he has
impacted other students by
showing how much he cares
for them. Damion is genuine,
trustworthy, kind, smart, and
loyal,” says Conner.
After graduation Dedmon
plans to attend the University
of Science and Arts of Okla-
homa in Chickasha to pursue
a degree in Speech Language
Pathology while minoring in