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New Technology surging at MHS

Maci Miller


Due to the destruction of the auditorium building there has been  a need for new classrooms to make up for the classrooms that Marlow High School has lost.

These relocations have occurred in science labs, the dome gym and computer labs.

Some of the classes being placed in former computer labs had created a slight issue: there were no computers for student use across campus.

Fortunately, this problem was quickly solved with new technology being brought into play.

“We had to have the computers for classes, so we took money from the general funds,” stated Marlow High School principal Bryan Brantley.

With these funds, the new “rolling computer labs” were purchased. 

Each of these mobile carts consist of a classroom set of laptops to be used for class work. 

Teachers can check out the laptop sets from the library at their convenience. 

This new method will save class time when technology is needed since teachers will not have to commute students from their classroom to a computer lab. 

“Instead of students going to the computer lab, the computer lab comes to them,” Brantley explained.

The laptops were a priority for the campus, but they will not be the last we see of new technology at MHS.

Once the new buildings are constructed, even newer technology might be brought into play, not just at the high school, but on the other Marlow Public Schools campuses as well. 

“In the new buildings touch screen smart boards will be among some of the new devices that could possibly be brought in,” said Brantley.

The new additions will eventually lead to completely updated technology within the Marlow district.

“This will do away with the projectors and outdated technology in the classrooms, giving students a more proper learning environment,” expressed Brantley.

The gradual changes will not only impact current students and faculty, but those in upcoming years as well.
