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Marlow places emphasis on reading

Marlow High School encourages students to spend their time reading and writing in preparation for their future endeavors.

Most students who read seek the benefits that it brings, such as higher ACT scores and better reading comprehension, and oftentimes, they achieve them.

On average, Marlow students score the state average on writing, which is 6.5, and the benchmark, which is a score of 22, on reading ACT scores, with many students scoring higher.

“Generally speaking, the biggest correlation to success on the ACT is a student’s ability to read well,” Marlow High School Principal Bryan Brantley stated.

Several areas of the ACT require students to be able to comprehend the question asked and answer it to the best of his or her ability.

According to Marlow High School and Middle School Head Librarian Cathy Hazel, “The higher your reading score is on the ACT, the more money and scholarships you’re going to get offered for college.” 

Being an opportunity for students to get more into reading, the 2021-22 Library Club’s kickoff will take place on Wednesday, Sept. 29 at lunchtime in the MHS library.

The goals of the club are to gather and discuss books as well as go to the elementary to read children’s books to students.

“Our main goal is to encourage people to want to read more,” Hazel stated.

Alongside the high school library, the Garland Smith Public Library is accessible to the community’s readers.

Marlow citizens may get a library card and check out books for up to two weeks.

Although it is shut down currently due to COVID, the library usually hosts a Teen Book Club for students to share books they are currently reading or previously read to bond with like-minded people.

Although the return date of the club is unknown, the library hopes to bring it back as soon as possible. 

Like in the past, students of Marlow High School will continue to read to help work towards improving their ACT scores and college and career preparedness.