Outlaw exPRESSions

The official website of the MHS exPRESS

Leadership is key for senior


Leadership plays a role in senior Makayla Ortega’s high school experience.

Ortega has taken the lead in many activities while attending Marlow High School and Middle School.

This year Ortega and senior Rylee Rich were voted co-presidents of student council.

“Makayla is a really good encourager and makes being president a lot more fun and less stressful,” Rich said.

Student Council (StuCo), led by advisor Ann Field, has been a priority for Ortega since she was elected a representative in middle school.

“Makayla has been a big part of our council the past four years. She truly loves MHS and is always eager to make it even better, especially concerning school spirit. I will miss her next year.”

-Ann Field

Ortega has enjoyed reaching out and helping lead her high school throughout her four years.

“StuCo has helped me become the person I am,” Ortega said.

StuCo has meetings every Tuesday during their lunch period to talk about currents event in the high school and to plan events for everyone to enjoy.

“We are like one big family,” Ortega said.

Stu-Co is involved in many school activities such as but not limited to; pep rally games, random acts of kindness (RAK), the haunted house, crush grams and many others.

Ortega has been involved in StuCo even through the summer when she attended Basic as a sophomore, Nationals as a junior, and Advanced this summer, as a senior.

“Advanced has helped me become a better leader and to show my real self,” Ortega said.

Ortega’s plans for the future are to attend Oklahoma University for the medical field, possibly focusing on pediatrics.

Rylee Derryberry

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April 27, 2015